Archive for November, 2014

Happy Turkey Day to all everywhere around the world! Hope it’s a great one. Sorry no post yesterday…but the (True) family is in town, so that comes first. What ever you do today all the Libertarian Conservatives’ll be the loudest voice at the table trying to bully the conversation. Don’t let them. Be polite, keep […]

And So…It Begins

November 25th, 2014

The verdict came out, as I told you before, I knew EXACTLY what was going to happen. But how?!? (Bad call) Well, read yesterdays post. You don’t “prep” for a tornado, if there isn’t one coming or is in the area Let’s unpack this sad, evil, disgusting shit. Darren Wilson’s “story” to the Grand Jury […]

Ferguson Fumble & Racist Rudy

November 24th, 2014

Everyone knows the events in Ferguson MO by now. And if you do not, just type it into Google (Racist cop Page) The verdict will come out soon, & it will be Not Guilty. But, how could I possibly know this?!?! This decision was done a long time ago, & paid for, well in advance. […]

Groin Kickingly Great Friday!

November 21st, 2014

It also goes by GKGF. What’s a GKGF you ask?!?!? (Boot to the dong) Yep, t’s just that simple. Have two female cat-people hold the arms back of a “man-dog”, & kick him right in the old man meat bags. Go enjoy my party people Have a weekend!

Uber Fucked Up…

November 20th, 2014

Full disclosure, I used Uber, and love it. That said, this here is ‘very’ fucked up. The CEO of (Uber Screwed now!) Uber’s now usin’ private information to target journalists for…being honest. Prominent tech writer Sarah Lacy, reported on the company’s sexist practices at PandoDaily. For doing that, Josh Moyer, the general manager for Uber Ny […]

The Twitter Bullshitters…

November 19th, 2014

It seems the Republican’s used Twitter as a way to violate campaign finance law which prohibits (Oh shit no) coordination. I mean, for fucks sake they all can already ‘rape’ the electoral process after Citizens United. But…it seems they now want to publicly shit on all our faces, to boot. Classy! PAC’s used twitter as a […]

Evil Odummer, I Mean Reagan…

November 18th, 2014

Obama’s Immigration plan is the same one HW Bush and St. Reagan did. They used Executive Order aside (Hypocrite much?!?!) from what Congress was or was not doing. Then…the screaming begins. So expect nothing short of Big-Ass “Republican Hypocrisy” on this one; nearly 3 decades ago both Reagan & HW Bush ‘both’ extended amnesty to the […]

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio explained the Mid-terms in pretty simple terms: When American’s desire the (“I won!”) policies, positions, & specific Governance you offer; don’t run from them. It’s sound advice. It would be like a football team that is 6-1 thinking, “You know? Let’s not do anything that’s made us a winning club […]

The Baby Badass!

November 14th, 2014

The toughest baby elephant you might ever see was caught on video fighting off 14 lions & lived (Oh noooooo!) Yes you read the last part right. Lived! The little Elephant didn’t give up. Didn’t stop, & the BEST part; in the end charged THEM. Don’t ever give up. Never, never, never do it. You […]

Climate Change Schmimate Change

November 13th, 2014

These past mid-terms were the lowest voter turn out since 1942. What was going on that (“Let’s get it done”) caused that again?!?! Oh right, World War 2 Obama, met with Xi Jinping, leader of China They came to agreement on “climate change” Now, what was the entire Republican party’s views on Climate Change action? […]

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