Wanta know how you came off looking in the summit? (Play those licks Johnny!) Like the angry old creepy haired white guy who doesn’t like listening to the black guy who beat him in 2008 lecture that we all should come together and fix health care… He resented being there. He still thinks that’s his […]
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Let’s give you a run down on yesterdays events: (We can do it, people are good) Obama: Sincere complementary remarks to all/GOP sighting the “jobs bill” passage as reason for hope, asking this to be a constructive discussion about all places where we agree in healthcare reform, not be political theater solely to score points […]
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Scott Brown learned a valuable rule… (“I said it was the peoples seat…bitch”) When you are elected as a Republican, either agree with everything everyone in the GOP says all the time devoid of any rational facts, thought, or issues… Or get branded a traitor. For one vote. What do you get for two, shot […]
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Who is Andrew Breitbart you ask? (Dickface says what? “What?”) Welp, he’s the guy who hired the ACORN pimp kid. He’s also a far right wing activist. Who happens to have hired a kid with a history of racial issues that he won’t admit… Don’t let that get in the way of facts or reality. […]
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Hungry and paranoid. Wait who said that? It makes sex last longer in bed, so now I can go 3 minutes instead of 17 seconds. Oh yeah, and it makes you cough… (Grampe’s getting stoned) If it’s really good, you cough longer then cry. It makes my shitty jokes funnier… Turns out, now older people […]
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Guess Sir Elton John thinks Jesus was “gay”… (Here’s the gay church…) Sir Elton decided to share this lil’ gem with a large public audience: “I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems” He then kept it going with, “On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus […]
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“I was unfaithful”… (His “public sorry” face) Then finished with, “And if Telemundo’s Mirthala Salinas would like me show her exactly how unfaithful, I’m up in room 807” while giving her the “call me” sign… Wow, musta shocked that one fanatic golf friend at work still holding out hope it was all lies. It’s as […]
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John Mayer… (Sir!) Sure his body is wonderland, not beholden to gravity, like no such thing cause it’s heartbreak warfare, so you say. He’s waiting on the world to change… Not today John. In a March Playboy interview John decided he was black… MAYER: What is being black? It’s making the most of your life, […]
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She’s screaming for a war of words with comedians and writers… (Yeeeesh) Only thing, you got a big problem. You must have a good handle on them, or even understand what you’re saying, or what others are saying in order to have one… It’s about damn time someone attacked The Family Guy! For those who […]
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No, were not talking about how Southwest treated Kevin Smith… That’s commonly referred to as “Sorry We Called You Fat” Sunday (Throw us your tits!) We’re talking “Fat Tuesday”, or what fat people call “Everyday”… Today is time to eat your fill, cause I guess you’re going on a diet, or fasting, or doing some […]
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