Archive for March, 2017

“Out” Like Flynn…

March 31st, 2017

Trumpys Head “Bitch”, Michael Flynn wants some sorta “immunity”. Ahh it (“Jail? Wha?”) is clear he won’t because most all the Intel Agencies Already have their shit on record. Can’t ‘Give’ what someone Already Has. This Is Massive & Surely Signals The End For Trump & all those Who Hooked Their Shit Wagon to Him […]

Burr In Trumps Saddle…

March 30th, 2017

Since, Devin “I’m A Biased Lying Trump Whore” Nunes “halted” his investigation (<-Going Down) it seems the Senate will take up a new 1 Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops! NC R-Senator Richard Burr, Will Now be Chairing A Touted “Bi – Partisan” Senate Intelligence Committee. He already said he was a “Trump Voter” But his Job is to “Serve […]

Devin “I’m Trumps Bitch” Nunes, is having some serious problems. The (“Look Away!”) problems are going 2 get worse on each coming day. And they all have to With Trumps direct financial ties to Russia during that ’16 Campaign Aside from giving information to an Orange Anus, who is the Subject of this investigation is […]

Trumptanic Panic…

March 28th, 2017

Into the icy waters it sinks, the sad part is still how much it “Stinks”. If (Ice Berg!) You Are or were A Trump supporter, you might all be interested to know that YOU Are Paying For The Wall & tax Cuts for the top 1%. Suckers ya got had, Conned, duped, fooled and the […]

Blame Game Of Shame..

March 27th, 2017

Trump Failed, Simply Because he Does not grasp HOW Governance works. He (<-Orange Anus!) Doesn’t Know How To Pass A Bill, What it takes to Gain Consensus, Or Even the rules of “How many votes you need” so he went down in fat Orange flames and always continues 2 do so, he lacks rigor His […]

This is a Late post, sorry about that The Republican repeal and Replace (Times up…bitch!) was PULLED!!! They, do, not know ANYTHING. They are all just going down. This is lunacy dyin politically Fine, by me. When an asshole lying prick is building their casket… complement the Work, you’re done Have a weekend!

Pissing Up A Rope…

March 23rd, 2017

And Wondering why you’re getting wet That is the entire Trumpy TeaOP today (Down you go!) So, as Trumpy’s Russian Financial Ties Investigation is goin on Republikkkans Tabled Voting on their big dogshit ACA Repeal. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha all These Morons Simply Do NOT know “HOW” to govern, period! “Obstruction’s” so […]

Putin On The Ditz…

March 22nd, 2017

Part, of being A “Mastermind” is the Obvious “Mind” Part. Trumpy, Flynn, (Ooooops) Manafort, Carter Page, the Agalarovs Dmitry ‘Rybolovlev’, Michael Caputo, and Many, many more. Like Russia’s Fertlizer King ties (you honestly can’t make this shit up). He’s buddies with a Bullshit King…….Dmitry Rybolovlev You Know, That Big Name, Above us well turns out, […]

Dasvidaniya Donny! Trumps ties to Russia go Back 30 Years. He Has Russian Kremlin (We know) Oligarchs Cash in his properties to the tune of $100 million. Hint: They don’t ‘live’ here When you’re POTUS that’s called, a fucking bribe. U can’t serve 2 masters, your pocket Book And Your Country. The ‘Russian’ Bank Alfa doesn’t […]

Trump, is, royally, fucked…Big League Comey already re-confirmed what WE (Drink it up!) All, already knew. Trump made up the “Wire Tapping”. He lied, PERIOD. And even With Every New Huge lie, he has only ONE Goal. Distract from his clear Russian Banking and his financial ties to them. You all know for a “fact” […]

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