After the wonderful interview by the French media outlet with the Monsanto assclown, it (Yes) has “moved” the needle enough for another 1 to happen. Nebraskan farmer, named James Osbourne tried to pull a page from the “You won’t even swallow your own bullshit” book He isn’t necessarily against “Fracking”, he is on the fence, & […]
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Indiana has a problem. It’s them there damn “gays”, & they gonna make sure they do NOT (“No Soup for you!”) have equal protection under law. At least that is what Governor Mikey, “Bigot Town” Pence thinks. He signed a bill, into law on Thursday Senate Bill 101 Religious Freedom Restoration Act would allow institutions, […]
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Oh you know exactly what I’m talking about right? Meat deliveries, where do you take them? See, I’ve (Truck-O-Meat!) noticed the front door is closer to the kitchen so it makes more sense to me, and…wait a second. Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, wait, ohhhhhh you thought I was talking about […]
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Saying Racist Cops today is like breathing or yelling “Hey, water is wet!”. Yes, WE KNOW (Oooops) Not all Cops are racist, that would be a crazy untrue generalization. BUT when there’s the case after case after case after case examples and NO ONE does anything about it. Then it becomes a problem. Firing the […]
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No, it is about Palin. No, it is not about Trump No, it’s not about Anthony Wiener. No, it’s not (True) about ‘Beck’. Remember George “I Like To Kill Unarmed Black Teens” Zimmerman?!?!?! Well he’s back, & blathering racial hate like a ‘Cliven Bundy’ would. And what did Captain Fuck say? “Instead of rushing to […]
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No, I didn’t type Mikey Mouse, but his name does sort of sound like that, doesn’t it?! Well (Mikey Kaus) it seems the bubble of far rightwing craziness even has it limits for some. He “recently” quit at The Daily Caller, or what I call “News Max” Lite. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not mad […]
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California Governor Jerry Brown objectively tells Turd Cruz he is full of shit. On Seth Meyers show (“I’m a big liar”) Cruz avoided the entire question, & then claimed that science doesn’t agree there is climate change *Massive Disney Movie Promo Record Scratch* No, and Seth, who I’ve Worked With many times before doing shows […]
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A fat kid with a cut on his head. They are just all covered red. I gotta call yesterday “Bloody (Boom!) Bracket Thursday”. I got spanked harder than rich guy at an S&M Factory. Wild action & the games all came down to final shots. Shit, only like 4 games were a Blow Out, but […]
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Cameron Stout planned to kill Obama. Period Do you hear any news outlets covering this?!? Nope you don’t. Why? Because most domestic terrorism all comes from the right wing today If it was a Muslim, it would be on 24/7 all day Well, what did Mr. Super Racist even say?!?!? “I wanna fuckin’ change America. […]
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Mike “I lie for a living” Huckabee decided to become a ‘felon’ the other day. How exciting. It seems the fat (Yummy!) loud lying Republican presidential dopeful is shilling a “cure” for diabetes. He even did a bullshity video ad Which contained lie, after lie, after lie, after bullshity lie like this “Let me tell […]
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