Archive for March, 2015

Pappy St. Hatrick’s day! Wait, let me try that again Happy St. Patrick’s day! Wow, better. If your sober (Lucky Churls!) and reading this, you’re not Irish. Now go out & get black out drunk. NOW you are “Irish”. If you have a black eye from someone you don’t know now you’re Black Eye Irish. […]

March Sadness…

March 16th, 2015

What’s in your bracket today? Hillary Clinton E- Mail Bullshit, ‘GOP Congress’ Fucking About, or (It’s…ON…FIRE!) Universtity Of Maryland/Other Greek Chapters, Spewing Racist Hate?!?!? Well it seems the latter advanced in our national discourse bracket today Let’s go over some of the Instutional Racism that is found in Frats Today across the great America: — […]

Did You Know…

March 13th, 2015

That Log Cabins are allergic to matches?!? Yes, it is science fact. Look it up. No seriously, I will wait (Indoor heat) Still waiting. Still waiting. Still waiting oh bullshit you only “Pretended” to look it up on your Smart Phone but were looking up margarita Taco Friday deals. Whatever, we both know it’s true. Speaking of […]

So now Hillary used only one device so she could “Keep it simple using only one smart phone”. Oh, (“…off 1 phone”) well that makes sense. It wouldn’t be a cause to a problem, if she came out and said, that she used: “An iPad, Mini-iPad, iPhone, and a Blackberry” Ooooooooooooops. Look, she clearly should […]

The Hillary e-mail insanity is pretty silly funny shit She used her personal e-mail for all her work, & so (True!) this has caused a firestorm. Why? Um, I’m not very sure. Sure, she should’ve used a private one issued by the government. But the question is, “What does that mean, do we have all […]

What if I told you 47 Republican senators are writing letters to foreign leaders, as if they are the POTUS?!? (And your mouth) Knowing Republican’s today that shocks no one BUT this was a new low even for the loud ass racist bullies Banjo Head Tom Cotton (R-Ark) decided to send this threatening letter to […]

Colin Powell explained during the 50th anniversary of the March across the Selma bridge that there is a (Yes, we know) “Dark Vein Of Intolerance”, in the Republican Party today. Well, no…SHIT! Anyone with eyes & ears can see that. It’s in the policy, actions, words, & virtually everything they do. It’s like saying “Water […]

The Avengers Should Add…

March 6th, 2015

Either the Shmoo, Scrappy Doo, Snarf, Gazoo or Teddy Ruxbin. Think of how awesome that (“Let me at him!”) would be? By “Awesome”, I mean “Fucked Up Wrong”. The Hulk would Drop Kick Scrappy in the first 3 minutes into outer space. Now, that would be funny. Not, “Ha Ha” funny. More like “Revenge for […]

(WARNING! GRAPHIC VIOLENT IMAGES) It seems Communist North Korea wants to be “friends” again with South Korea and all unite (Senseless violence) And, they’re willing to slash the face and arms of US Ambassador Mark Lippert, to “prove” it He had surgery and is in stable condition now This is graphic, horrible, and pure insane […]

In the “Yes We Saw It Coming From 7 Billion Miles Away” segment, this Tea Party old lady (I’m a “racist”) says some really overtly racist violent evil shit “Listen I would like to think that these guys could pay with their lives, hanging from a noose in front of the U.S. Capitol Building” This […]

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