Indiana has a problem. It’s them there damn
“gays”, & they gonna make sure they do NOT
have equal protection under law. At least that
is what Governor Mikey, “Bigot Town” Pence
thinks. He signed a bill, into law on Thursday
Senate Bill 101 Religious Freedom Restoration
Act would allow institutions, businesses, & all
associations to deny services to ALL LGBT’ers
on “religious freedom grounds”. And “Captain
Asshole” Pence was asked over 6 times if that
law would make it legal for ANY merchant to
refuse to serve ‘gay customer’s. Out came the
stock Republican answer; utter total Bullshit:
“This is not about discrimination, this is about
empowering people to confront government
overreach. Look, the issue here is still is tolerance
a two-way street or not?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
Smell that?!?!?!?!?!?!?! YES, it is totally about
discrimination. No, “tolerance” isn’t a two way
street. See, people who deny “equal protection”
under the law do not HAVE that fucking right
It is the fresh smell of bigotry at work. This IS
only the hate of a bigot yelling, “Hey now, it’s
MY right, to be a BIG Bigot, in our society by
denying your rights”. Nope. Never has been &
never will be. Your religious freedom, ends at
the tip of every other citizens nose…..fuckface
Unless of course you’d like my religion to now
discriminate against you? No? That is because
it’s Unconstitutional you lying hateful Asshole
Follow Open For Service, they believe in equal
Scamentology-The Douchening
Last night on HBO was the greatest expose of
the bullshit scam known as Scientology to date
Unless of course you count South Park ripping
them a new shit shoot. It’s called “Going Clear
-Scientology, and The Prison Of Belief”. It’s so
awesome. It crushes the Entire Cult, by simply
documenting their well know Origins, History,
lunacy and overt crimes to badly cover it all up
L Ron Hubbard was a con man, a grifter, scam
artist, liar, thief and a master bullshitter of life
The most damning evidence is from the people
who did it all for years now realizing they were
conned, scammed, and all fucked with so badly
They’re a mob like cult that enslaves the person
to brainwash them, and then Blackmails/even
threathens them when they realize the “reality”
that it is a bullshit con about Aliens. It is like, a
bad Si-fi movie. Two engaging 1st acts followed
by this terribly insane, shitty & dumbass ending
The jokes on you but sadly so was your life then
NOTE: Monstanto Mouthpiece Lobbyist Can’t
Swallow His OWN Big Poisonous Bullshit Lies
Have a day!
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