NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio explained the Mid-terms
in pretty simple terms: When American’s desire the
policies, positions, & specific Governance you offer;
don’t run from them. It’s sound advice. It would be
like a football team that is 6-1 thinking, “You know?
Let’s not do anything that’s made us a winning club
anymore. Let’s all just do the exact opposite now for
no good fucking reason!”. Do you remember, all the
Republican’s who lost badly in national elections?!?
Yes, their idea to fix it was, “Fuck it, let’s all run way
father right now!”. And when Democrats get elected
their goal is, “Fuck it, let’s all run away from the shit
electing us. Let’s all be Republican Lite now, weeee!”
Now I can’t figure are the Democrats just spinelessly
ignorant fidiots or are they all just doing the ‘biddng’
of all their corporate donors?!? Maybe both. The fact
that people who run on progressive policy ALL crush
Republican’s, would been enough to understand that
But until they start running on the policies that work
and that voters all universally love….they are TOAST
Anonymous Say KKK No Fucking Way
Anonymous is taking a firm stand. Just as all society
should do here. The KKK passing out “Death Threat”
fliers is unacceptable, period. Being a ‘racist asshole’
isn’t against the law. Inciting racist violence & death
threats ARE. Anonymous, “hacked” into their Twitter
and websites to shut them down. And anonymous has
compromised KKK member email accounts & a phone
‘harassment campaign’s’ being conducted on all of em
BOOM! Right there is the key. The vile racist elements
of the world, hiding in the darkness on-line will NOW
be exposed finally. No more internet hoods ya bitches
Please ‘read’ the thoughtful ideas they expressed here:
“Due to your actions we have started Operation KKK.
The aim of our operation is nothing more than Cyber
Warfare. Anything you upload will be taken down, &
anything you use to “promote” the “KKK” will be shut
down…You messed with our family & now we will mess
with yours…Let the cyber war begin. We are legion. We
don’t forgive. We don’t forget. You should’ve expected us”
And if I know racists, like we all know racists, they’re
a day late, & 130 IQ points short. They can’t ‘win’ this
one, nor ever will. And, being a racist asshole is NOT
against law. Inciting racist violence against a peaceful
protect fucking IS. We’re coming for you all & you lose
NOTE: The Bears finally won a fucking game! Granted
it was against the “Little, blind, deaf girl, with no skills”
Have a day!