Mark this day on your calendars my good people

Remember Thursday November 29th as The Day

(“Yes, I lied”)

everything Ended for Trump & His Criminal Crew

Cohen plead guilty in court 4 “lying” to congress

Deutsche Bank/the place that laundered his cash

was raided. And His Chicago Tax Appeal Attorney

Ed Burke’s Offices were Raided This mornin’. The

front Door has Brown Paper On It. And so, Cohen

just lied about No Connections to Russian leaders


or The EX-KGB Oligarchs/Political Leaders they all

were In the process of doing “business” with. It is

over, done, finished, kaput, endgame or whatever

you liked to call it. There’s no recovery here, None

This is Just the Beginning Folks. They All go Down,

& to quote the Untouchables “Just happened to be

(Almost Done)

there when the wheel went round”. Trump Will be

in very Bad shape this Christmas. Ooooooooooops

NOTE: Jeffery Epstein, Sexual Predator Enabled By Bill
Clinton, W. Bush & Now Trump In Labor Secretary Guy,
Alexander Acosta, Given ‘Free Ride’ After He “Molested”
Over 80 + Woman; From 2001-2006 This Is Disgusting

Have a day!

One Response to “Cohen Lied, “Raids” & Trump Done…”

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