So the Cliven Bundy Tea Party American Spring Fox Noise extremist loser patrol enacted this hate over the weekend (Bingo!) Right wing racist loser asshole Jerad Miller, and his insane wife Amanda “decided to kill” 2 police officers in Las Vegas They also killed a 3rd person in Wal-Mart before the “wife” shot him, & […]
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When Democrats fuck up, which happens far too often, it must be called out, mocked, & shown in clean light. Democratic state (“I’m a loser!”) Senator Phillip Puckett just resigned the other day. After he cut a deal with the Republicans to help deny the Medicaid program expansion under the ACA. Wow, thanks Phil, what […]
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Sure, you see them from time to time. That high school (Angry Teen Boner) dance, & you were way to close to her crotch. BAM!!!!!! Bonertown, population; YOU. Maybe you you are just a teen kid waiting in line for food, & gets an “Angry Teen” stiffy. A pool chub, or the majestic, “Presidential boner” […]
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The left today can be accused of capitulation, cowardice, & duplicity in allowing children to rule us, & lobbyists to win (We know) But the “crazies”, the nutters, & conspiracy wacko’s, aren’t on the left today. Sure you see a few “Eco-terroristsy” guys but the vast majority, or say 99.9% all are on the right […]
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Today, the right wing Republican’s left standing are little more than a ‘loud frothing vitriolic hate group’. We had a (Left standing) POW named Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who we did a “prisoner” exchange for. It is a ‘very’ common act since the inception of war has existed. Forget that St. Reagan did the EXACT same […]
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I read a strong article on Slate the other day about how well minorities economically do under ‘Democratic Presidents’ verses the Republicans (“They terk r jerbs!”) Turns out they all fair far better under Democratic presidents in recent history. The only difference, is under divided government. Black family income—and only black family income—was stagnant when […]
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