A women bus monitor was badly bullied by four teen boy passengers
Karen Klein went viral, & the whole world saw these lil hateful pricks
(68 year-old Klein)
Warning, it is hard to watch. It shows a sickening level of soulless evil
Hate you don’t see everyday. She decided not to press charges either
Wow, she’s better than I. The boys have just come out and apologized
Meaningless lies to save face. I have one great suggestion for the boys
The parents of these little hateful assholes, & anyone who thinks like
Them: let’s send them to Jerry Sandusky’s “Fun Time Camp” for kids
Don’t give the bully’s death threats. They will reap with they sow: hate
(Classy lady)
I suggest they aren’t allowed to ride the bus. Let them walk since they
Can’t abide by being responsible riders like the rest of rational society
Turns out Joe The Plumber’s still at it with his insane political ad here
(What a nutjob)
Claiming gun control caused the Holocaust, & 2nd amendment rights
Are going away? This guy is nuttier than squirrel shit. My translation:
“Hi, I’m an idiot of epic levels mentioning heinous historical events that
have no connection to the United States gun right laws; while at the same
time trying to replace discussing my policy, or economic ideas w/shooting
tomato’s since I’ve none. I’m today’s GOP: dumb & massively proud of it!”
Barbara Espinosa, an Arizona radio host……is proud of her comments
Calling Obama the “first monkey president”. Oh, for shits sakes people
(“I’m a racist”)
She said this: “I call him a monkey, I don’t call him a guy with rabbit
ears, I call him a monkey. A monkey. I voted for the white guy myself!â€
Here we go again. Said it before, & say it again. This election will be the
Nastiest, meanest, most racially hateful in modern history. You ask me
“But why?”. GOP can’t run on policy, & they can’t run on the economy
(“Man face”)
Since they all screwed it up to begin with. They have zero policy aside
From tax cuts to the rich which isn’t working out, & cutting all the big
Government programs that help the poor or middle class. That’s it, so
Expect more hate, racism, ignorance, & fuckholes like Barbara. It’s all
They got, and clearly a new low for American political history. Ugggh
Have a weekend!