Payroll Taxed Republicans

February 16th, 2012

The entire Payroll Tax Cut debate killed Republicans all over

Not that you really need to do much more than let them speak


It’s the idea that they scream, “Tax Cuts!!!”. But when it is for

The hard working middle class & poor. They put on the brakes

People aren’t stupid…sometimes. They read it all over the net

(It’s true)

Paul Ryan recently said this is “sugar-high economics” that’ll

Not create long time growth overall. Yes, your tax cuts “good”

But middle class or poor tax cuts are “bad”. Psssshhhhhhhhhh

(What are you smoking?)

He also stated that, “Not all tax cuts are the same”. You’re right

They’re not. The Bush Tax Cuts cost us over 8 trillion & counting

But somehow magically those are “good” economically, but these

(Up yours)

Are evil. You ever notice anything for rich people or corporations

To any Republican is “good”, but anything for the middle class or

Working poor is “bad”? Funny how it is. How about FUCK OFF?

Have a day!

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