It’s Tough Being a Bernie Supporter
these days; but these days are good
(He’s coming!)
Bernie is Still ‘Mathematically’ in it
but must “Win them all” by 58% or
better to Win. That’s a Tall order in
Any Climate. Let alone, When their
Queen Bee Hillary demands that he
drop out. Ahhhhhh, no. Not just yet
Bernie will Ride this Thing out, until
he’s mathematically out of it and he
(Did I win? No)
should. Just as Any Rational person
would do. And as that Goes on just
watch Hillary, start losing her Mind
It will drive her ‘Bonkers’ where she
will scream everything from “sexist”
to “how DARE you!” with no results
The Math Remains. No matter if he
wins or not, the ‘Establishment’ has
been overtly shaken and will always
(“Help me!”)
be in the future. THAT was the goal
Still Time Left….VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!
Trump Wallace’s Bigot Bus
It’s hilarious and sad all at the same
time. Only 20%, and Shrinking each
day of Americans are Self Identified
As Republicans. Now, assume you’ll
only get HALF of those at BEST. Oh
yeah, you’re doing The Math in your
head right now Laughing, right?!?!?!
See, if you’re a Trump supporter I’m
guessin “math” isn’t your strong suit
10% of all American Voters gets you
CRUSHED In Every National Election
(“Huuuuge loss!”)
Well the old guard Conservative side
wants nothing to do with Trump and
neither do their voters. It’s just toxic
Racist Sludge. Sure they tapped into
it with The Southern Strategy, but it
was supposed to be on the down low
That was Their Trick. Well, with that
thing called the Internet, their Cover
was blown, & you get Full On Trump
(Sadly true)
And that slide down the drain comes
due to Self Inflicted Ignorant Racism
NOTE: Did You Know That A Young
Donny Trump Was Sued By The Doj
For Violating The Fair Housing Act?
He Was, & He LOST. Racist Shit His
Whole Life; Remember The “Birther”
Racist Obama hate?! Started Young
Did Donald Sterling Do It As Well?!
NOTE II: John McCain’s Son Jack Is
The Coolest Guy Around At All ‘The’
Racists Bitchin’ About The Old Navy
Ad. He Posted He And His Wife Pics
Have a day!