if you’re a Libertarian, you’re going to LOVE today’s post

you also must know that I told you this many months ago

(“I fold like origami”)

From me: “My prediction: they’ll kick the can down the
road, and punt to a later date in the fall. And they will
pass something this summer that cuts a little defense,
SS, & a few entitlements. It is a shitty, awful, terrible
“grand bargain” that once again fucks the poor, middle
class & people who paid; and it gives all the loophole
taxes breaks back to the wealthy. Weaksauce”

*looks at calendar today on April 12 nearing May*

Well it “may” be a little early. Guess Obama is in a hurry

when he is cutting Social Security and Medicare…..Hint:

this effects your parents, my parents, and all of us in the

future. Obama has had entitlement cuts on the fucking

table since forever. He WANTS to cut them. And it also

(“I’m a pussy?”)


he is like a blackish “Trojan Horse” who will gut social

safety net programs faster than any Republican would

Sad day for die hard Democrats. As an Independent, I

can tell you that I saw this coming since August of 2011

when he always had these cuts on the table giving away

the whole store. Thanks for showing us your floppy vag

Weiner Throwing His Dong Back In The Ring

Anthony Weiner doesn’t want to leave well enough alone

To that, as a comedian, I say THANK YOU. As you know

(“You’re getting a dick pic!”)

“Weiner Time” was sexting Twitter picks of his “junk” to

a girl even though married because he’s “just like that”. I

would think his fucking wife wouldn’t want him to do it,

but then again people who had power, then lose it, want

it back. Guess they all just totally forgot WHY they lost it

(Nice turtle neck)

Well don’t worry Huma you will remember soon enough

And for people like me, it’s like a pinata of ha ha. Thanks

Have a weekend!

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