You read it Here 1st & on Valentines
Day, so Remember this post TODAY
(Yes, we knew)
Everyone with a Functioning IQ and
ounce of wits knew Trump could not
last. All WWF Racist Blather, and No
actual content doesn’t last long for a
position of Governance. Republicans
will start turning on him now at light
speed. See, all Republicans only care
one thing, themselves. They see their
mid-term election looming, and need
to break Now. SO, out like Flynn has
(So long fucko!)
resigned over direct contact with the
Valdster before taking office. McCain
said “The Flynn resignation show the
signs of Dysfunction” in Trump Land
Ahem no, the last 3 weeks have said
the same Fucking thing to the Entire
world for Anyone with eyes and ears
At no Point In Modern History Has it
every been This Bad. Not even under
Nixon (Who Resigned). Trumps New
(Projection Irony)
approval rating is 40% with 55% all
disapproving. Oooooooooooooooops
At no point was a POTUS below 53%
at this Point Ever. This is beginning
of the slide into the Abyss for em all
NOTE: Conway Investigation And It
Means She Is “Going Down” As Well
Trump Will Defy, & Lie But That Will
Anger Walter Shaub The Director Of
Government Ethics, This Ends Badly
NOTE II : The “Media” Is Done With
All Of Kellyane Conways Insane Lies
Have a day!
December 20th, 2024 - 6:57 am