The TeaOP in Arizona decided to lie, slur, &

threaten a Hispanic man who simply legally

ben-marine- walking in(Ben Marine)

delivered absentee ballots to a polling station

You can watch the entire nothing event, here

What the Blaze(Beck’s lying Rag of hate) did

was lie with a headline of “Surveillance video

apparently “catches guy” doing something at

the “ballot box” that left Republican monitor

stunned”. The insane comments from THAT

monitor & other Republican’s were WORSE:

(He was) “A vulgar disrespectful, violent thug
that has no respect for our laws. I would have
followed him to the parking lot, to take down
his tag number…………but I feared for my life”

Ben Marine ballots(“Violent thug”? FU)

I posted the video. No such thing occurred at

all. This, is SAME fucking county as, “Sheriff

Joe” the racist (Maricopa). This, should shock

no one. Then A.J. LaFaro, the chairman of the

Maricopa County Republican Committee tried

to pretend what he was doing was now illegal:

“I believe it’s inconceivable, unacceptable and
should be illegal for groups to collect hundreds,
if not thousands, of voter’s ballots, and return
em to the elections offices or polling locations”

It literally is legal, & Fucko knows it because

his bill to stop it HB 2305 was repealed. But,

it’s not done yet. On the YouTube Clip came

the hate, ignorance of law, and death threats

“This is a high crime, it’s treason…This
should be a crime punishable by death”

“I’m gonna find this illegal loving scumbag & kill him”

A.J. LaFaro(AJ Asshole)

THIS, will effect the Mid-Terms, SO seriously

THIS, is not good at all for Republican’s, and

will most likely, cost them The Senate, & also

many many seats in the house. When another

citizen who is simply another nationality does

what is legal, fair, & part of the rights, of ANY

citizen but gets this bigot hate; You know they

lost badly. See, R’s just hate minorities voting

LISTEN clearly to that America. It’s the sound

of fairness & reality. Unless ya vote Republican

Have a day!

2 Responses to “TeaOP’s “Hispanic Voter Panic””

  1. VictorNar



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