Rick “Frothy” Santorum thinks the founding fathers had it

(Loser turd)

all right with respect to voting rights. Listen to this bullshit

“Were we ready for an election when the United States was
formed to have everybody in the United States vote?! Well,
our Founders didn’t think so…They limited the people who
could vote in an election. Now you could say that’s horrible,
that’s terrible. Well……………maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t”

It wasn’t. Not then, not now, not ever you loser insane ass!

This isn’t debatable, unless they would STILL like to debate

gravity, the sun, science, or reality. And guess what!?! They

DO want to debate those things. They don’t even hide all the

racism anymore, & I think that is a great thing. Shine a light

on it all. Only then, can people vet their leaders correctly, &

make sure never to elect leaders who are overtly evil racists

know the exact ingredients & policies of any person you will


vote for. They can’t hide those things. They are SO damning

Speaking Of Republican Racism…

CSPAN had a “Racist Caller Blitz” the other day. You MUST


listen to all this ignorance, evil, vile hate. Only then can you

begin to understand moronic racist hate. The topic?!?! Civil

Rights. Here are just a few snippets of their “Greatest Hits”:

“I think it’s time for white pride. We have built this country —
Irish, Italians, Germans…Irish wherever they have come from”

“The White Man has done MORE for the Black Man in this
country…..the black man owes the white man a thank you.”

“They’re attacking white people in the big cities and
we’re supposed to put up with that kind of stuff and
like them & say, ‘Well, come into our neighborhood.’”

Ah yes, the old Irish, and um the Irish as if we are “separate”

This collection of mentally ill, older, racist idiots is so telling

While so painful to listen to, you should, so you ‘understand’

why they have hate. A psychologist couldn’t sort through the

(No shit)

ignorance, low IQ, tribalistic, and overt ‘institutional racism’

These people never read the Statue Of Liberty, maybe cause

they can NOT fucking READ. We are a melting pot, unless of

course you’re a tiny, nothing & big racist pile of monkey cum

Have a day!

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