Former SNL alum Victoria Jackson, who’s known for the song “There’s A

Communist In The White House” is running for public office this election

(ah, old love)

cycle. Oh wait, did I say “known”?!?! I meant “publicly mocked”, and “not

to ever be taken seriously”. She’s throwing her tri-cornered Tea Timey hat

into the ring. Only to possibly have it kicked back or taken to place on any

child teaming with head lice. Then again this is Thompson Station TN., so

anythings fucking possible. If they do elect this “lackwit” & totally ignorant

dolt to local office, then they deserve “everything” they get. She is running

to “save America”. Now, that is a specific platform right there if I ever saw

one. Was “For Real ‘Merica & Baby Jesus” already taken?! *Looks at Mike

(nice joke)

Huckabee* Oh, sorry, I guess it was. But she wasn’t done there so she said

“This is my first time running for office. I want to be an
example to other moms, & regular folk to get involved in
local government. It’s the only way we will save America”

Getting involved in local government is AWESOME. But, then you should

at least know the basic functions of it. Why not get all them ‘regular folks’

attempting to be your: “brain surgeon”, “electrician” or an “airplane pilot”

with out any knowledge or formal training, cool? You fly on their plane 1st

She’s the face of the Tea Party today. Loud, nutty, ditzy, stupid, & clueless

John El-No-Way Talks “Social Safety Nets”

Well, he was a great quarterback in the NFL for a long time. So, John was

(give it to me)

on FOX with Chris Wallace talking about his Republican views right here:

“I don’t believe in safety nets, obviously
we gotta have some kind of safety nets”

Oh, ok, well that seems intentionally vaguely unclear. Huh, I wonder why

that is?! He likes welfare for HIM. Let me translate all that for you clearly

“Well poor people need it, but I do not want to pay it. I only want to get it”

See, 75% of HIS entire stadium is ‘publicly financed’. Also, the NFL is one

of the most Socialized leagues next to hockey. See, he likes HIS ‘tax payer’

welfare, but doesn’t want that to go to “middle class” & the “working poor”

Classy guy right there. He was asked if he would “run for political office”?

(listen to that guy)

His answer was basically, “Um naw, I’m not smart enough to trick people

so I’ll just pump my $ into other Republican liars to only help me”. Noice

The bottom line, saying, “Well I only want tax $ for me, fuck all the poor”

doesn’t sound very nice on national TV does it? Nope, it sounds too ‘Ugly’

And it’s the entire Republican party now. They are rudderless, & ‘sinking’

For you see their core views are: “I’m against help for you, but not for me”

Sadly far too many Democrats go along with it too; let’s weed them all out

Tomorrow: Dealer Arrests in Philip Seymour Hoffman Death, & Bill Nye

Have a day!

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