Rubio’s Cube Fail…

October 29th, 2013

TeaOP’er Marco Rubio wanted “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”. It was

going to be his big “let my Republican values lead the way to show you all it is

(“I’m all mixed up”)

possible to doing great things together”. How did that work out?!?!? Um, well,

it seems he is now “blocking” his own bill, & running against; himself. The big

lie in the TeaOP of today is that they want to be “Inclusive”, & reach out to the

minorities of society: women, Latino’s, Mexican’s American’s, blacks, women,

gays, or literally anyone not white, older, rural, racist, & old. Ooooooooooops

All this shit killed em, & they keep pumping it into their veins at mega levels!

(Yes, do that)

Wow, it’s a like a heroin addict OD’ing on “hate, ignorance, and failed policies”

Then when they even try to look inward, they quickly snap back with, “Oh no,

it’s because we not far RIGHT ENOUGH!!!!!”. Closing their eyes to the world

facts, demographics, stats, polls, economics, and reality itself is working great

it’s like a kid juggling their own feces as “big turds” keep hitting em in the face

while the parents near them are saying, “Keep going, you’re doing GREAT!!!”

Holy fuck, these people are comedy gold. They…just…keep giving, and giving

Have a day!

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