My niece, who is like my daughter, Skylar & I decided that Shark
(or viewer)
Week is always fun, until this year. Now Shark Week has become
“Let’s Do Shitty Reenactments Of Creates That Might’ve Existed”
What about all the Great White shark attacks, or big underwater
footage of different kinds of reef sharks. Well………it pretty much
sucked donkey balls. Well, guess Discovery is only for people who
can ‘Discover’ how to turn the channel pretty fucking quickly now
(it’s true)
They have Hillbilly Hand Fishing, and every food show known to
man, but I always liked my Shark Week. Meh, I guess it has now
officially Jumped Itself in favor of “My Southern Toothless Bride”
RNC Openly Admits They Need “Election Coverage Bias”
This is not news, it just isn’t. It’s what you’ve seen all along in this
(sure you will)
partisan political poo. Reince Penis is demanding these primaries:
-he literally stated he doesn’t want impartial fair primaries
-he only wants biased one’s where they spew unchecked BS
-and if the people holding it aren’t “Republican’s”, fuck off!
Well, he pretty much said, “The only station covering our election
will be FOX news, where we’ll simply just do long lie infomercials”
I knew the TeaOP was in trouble, but never ‘this’ level. At this rate
the bubble they built for themselves against ‘reality’ & the outside
world has ended their entire party. They’re literally unelectable so
they accept this, & only pander to 28% of America thinking it will
work. Holy shit, I thought “stubborn death”, not “jerking off until
suicide by asphyxiation”. Many Democrats are corporatist pussies
and I hammer the ones that need it here often. But the TeaOP now
has become as relevant as Beta Max, Crystal Pepsi, & the Pet Rock
They are not a modern political party, they’re a tiny cult of nutters
And the rift between establishment GOP’ers & TeaOP ends it fast
Tomorrow: The US Embassy Closings, wanted more info on them
Have a day!