Green Bay packers got screwed last night. Actually, it was “replacement humped”

The scab replacement refs handed a TD catch to Seattle that wasn’t….even close

(It was intercepted)

That gave the Seahawks the lead, & won the game 14-12 on the final play. Jeesh

Already knew these refs could ruin a game; but being a Bears fan, it was still nice

What did Wisconsin Scott “Fuck Teachers” Walker then say? Well, Scotty tweeted


After catching a few hours of sleep,the
#Packers game is still just as painful.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so now unions are good when it comes to the NFL refs

but for your own public teachers union, fuck those greedy assholes, right? My irony

& hypocrisy meters just went flying off charts. Other tweets clearly pointed that out

but it goes to a larger issues of detachment folks like Walker have. You get what you

pay for in this world, & our kids educational future is worth cutting corners. But for

(Not a good teacher)

the NFL, no damn way. It’s now “Union is the only way to go”. Yes, I know it is as a

member of SAG-AFTRA. You get what you pay for in this world, & I agree with him

the regular “refs” are so much better. Because they live & breathe in this world. But

he just saw the effects of it in the last 3 weeks, & ironically was personally stung by

the replacement refs horrible faults. This guy’s a main reason the corporations are

creating a WalMart world of unskilled labor, unsupported labor, & minimum wage


Yes, but you get what you pay for. Unskilled, cross your fingers & hope. Union, you

have a standard, period. When an anti-union guy see’s his failed views right before

his eyes, he often does not understand it. It escapes him, because it asks they look

at their theory in reality. Welp, there you have it. Front & center. Bet it still doesn’t

change his mind. When you’re owned by Koch brothers, reality is always secondary

Mitt Knows “No Question” He Will “Win”

Mittens decided to fully form the bubble around him at this point. In an ABC inter-

view he said, “There is no question in my mind. We’re going to win”. Positive, I like


that. It’s a great thing to have in an election. Electoral votes, popular vote, & all the

swing state leads are better. Sorry, stats, polls, & facts are cold. You’re down badly

and you’re the only one who doesn’t seem to know this. The problem is that people

know you, & they don’t like what they see. If you could run as another candidate, it

(Stuck it jagholes)

might help. You don’t have any policy, vision, or ideas to spur job growth aside of

tax cuts for the top 3%, & deregulation. Much like dull scissors, it ain’t gonna cut it

One week from today is the 1st of 3 presidential debates. Mitt looks like the robotic

Ken Doll POTUS, but the specific bad policy coming out of your pie hut won’t do it

Have a day!

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