Arizona’s Secretary of State Ken Bennett isn’t a “birther”. He’s said so:

(I’m a moron)

I’m not playing to the birthers, I’m not a birther. I believe that
the president was born in Hawaii, or at least I hope he was…

Oh yes, I see how fun it is to play this game. Let me try: “I’m not playing

To rapists, I’m not a rapist myself. It’s against the law, but you guys know

Sometimes, by the way they dress, a gal is really asking for it. Am I right?”

(Full of this much shit)

He’s contacted Hawaii to ask for proof, otherwise he won’t place Obama

On the ballot this November. Oh, OK. Forget that Obama release two of

Them already, short form AND long form. Forget that the bigots from all

Over the US have being trying this forever from Trump, to FOX, to Beck


To Republican lawmakers, & finally to bigots who hate a black President

Bud, I say this honestly to you & bigots like you. GO, FUCK YOURSELF!

Best Jobs For The Hulk

Here a few of the best jobs for the Mean Green Machine known as Hulk:

(Hulk read)

-Metal compacter
-Baby sitter
-Paid protection
-Marriage therapist
-Traffic cop(Oh, you’ll listen)
-Cable installer
-Animal wrangler

Oh, that and he’d make a great teacher. Talk about motivation? He’s on it

Have a day!

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