Octuplets Insanity…

February 9th, 2009

2009-02-04-octupletsphoto.jpg(They look happy)

What do you call a single women, with no job, 8 kids, & living with her mother?

A pimp…

To put that no paper, no jobby job, bombastic baby maker to work…

pimp-funny.jpg(Playa, set her straight)

Did I mention she already had 6 kids? How about her collagen injected lips giving that “white trash Angelina Jolie” look? Shit sake, looks like she went 18 rounds with Vladimir Klitschko…

Flight 1549 could have used them as a flotation device…

octuplets_mom_gets_state_money_pm-thumb-270x270.jpg(Crazy eyes)

She’s making multiple kids, on purpose, with virtually no concept of the financial burden, care, or providing for their future. She’s about as stable as a one legged coffee table. Let’s add this steaming pile of human train-wreckage to the heap…

Since her mom and dad have been doing all the heavy lifting on the first 6, they’re super pissed about adding 8 more to the the ones they already can’t afford…

She said the main reason for all this is because as the “only child” in her family, she felt lonely. Lonely? Then get a fucking dog…

A Gift For Them

Since mom’s clearly as unstable as Astatine, and like the bailout we’ll end up footing the bill, I figured I’d get them one gift from all of us to save money…

socto2.jpg(Nice testicles! Wait, tentacles)

Have a day!

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