Archive for August, 2015

Woman Kicked Out Of Church…

August 13th, 2015

A 92 year old woman, was kicked out of her Church. But why?!?!? Because she was Sick (Josephine King) And she didn’t “pay enough $” & “Couldn’t participate”. Well no Shit! She’s 92 Fuckos This is Religion at it’s Worst. Then again, it is what it set out to be. A Con. A lie. A […]

A year later, Two reporters who were arrested in a nearby McDonald’s, are being charged?!? (Charged for what?) Yes, it’s the anniversary of the Michael Brown shooting. And the Cops want to send a CLEAR message to reporters: you WON’T be tolerated down here. Wow, just…wow. These journalists will fight it, win, and all it […]

Children’s Illustrator Mary Engelbreit posted thoughtful Art Pictures, that pretty much sent (Smart & kind) rightwing racists into orbit. Thereby shining a big light on the Darkest, most Hateful Morons in our society. If  you have a problem with any person pointing out overt Institutional Racism Pssssssssssssssssssst you’re very fucking racist And here posting these […]

Why Suck Schummer Is Wrong…

August 10th, 2015

Democratic senator Chuck Schummer hates the Iran Deal. Why is that?!?! Because he is (“Oh yes I did!”) PAID too by Israel. It’s called AIPAC, or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in full. And the sole reason he’s doing it?!?!?!?! Because he knows it will pass anyway so this is just for show to […]

Yes it’s very very very fun to use modern movie titles or older ones then Porn Film (“It’s this big!”) them up usin’ the ol Porn Name Machine Let’s use Space & Fantasy Future Movies -Interfeller -AnalTar -Deep Insert -Star Whores -2000Fun: A Sex Odyssey -RearEnders Game -Esleezyium -ET(Enormous Tom)-The Extra Testicle -Independence Lay -Star […]

The “Shit Show” Begins!

August 6th, 2015

Sorry Cleveland but you’re now the 1st punch Bowl to have a collection of turds in it tonight (Yes, so lame) It all starts at 9pm EST, & 8pm CST. This will be FOX News, using National Polls, to Pick 10 chumps to mouth dump all over that big stage You will have everything from […]

The Fuckwit Spewith!

August 5th, 2015

Donald Chump states lie, after lie, after lie And he’ll be sure to ‘piss’ all over the stage (“Yes, I’m racist”) tomorrow so go enjoy watching a group of children playing with their own feces, & all of them shouting, “Oh, yummy chocolate!!” Idiot “Mop Top Shop Of Slop” said that our Constitution is “Riddled […]

She is “Fair & Balanced”. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Holy shit, she’s a great (WTF?!?!) comedian too. It’s true, when you live inside the FOX Bubble, reality is just what ever you decide it to BE. Even though, that is not how life works. She has […]

Nothing funnier than Phil Griffin trying to “Shake” up their line up. By “shake up” I mean “gutting” it (Lean Backwards) Mark my words this will fail at epic levels dooming the entire network. They lost Now W/Alex Wagner, The Cycle, and the Ed Show. The plan’s to make it more corporate like CNN. Ya […]

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