So, who is Zachary Hammond? A 19 Year
old, in a Hardee’s Drive Through. He was
(RIP, we’ll find out)
on a date with a 22 year old girl. So when
The Cops Opened Fire For NO REASON, &
killed him. Every rational Citizen has BIG
questions about why. The people demand
the dash cam footage. The cops said, “Yes
we will get that out”. So that’s turned to a
“Um no we won’t release the footage now”
But why?! Because it doesn’t match all the
fabricated lies the Killer Cops already said
(Cops killed him!)
Oh & the cops said he turned his “Car” at
them, “Driving to kill”. No Witness at that
scene agree with the lie. And the Autopsy
proves that lie WRONG. A .45 caliber gun
slug was found in his BACK Left Shoulder
and the left side of his chest. Oooooooops
These Cops fired from the Rear & the Side
They murdered an innocent citizen, in cold
blood. Then decide to “High Five” the dead
boys hand accordin’ to another eye witness
(Why killed!?!)
(WCSC-TV Reported This). My blood is SO
boiling right now! These cops must release
the Video, Unedited. They won’t because it
Shows Their Hate, Ignorance and “Murder”
These Police in South Carolina, Should ALL
be fired yesterday for not showing that Clip
NOTE: The Greatest Black Sterotypes Are A
Sure Fire Way To Be Republican Superstars
Have a day!
September 4th, 2023 - 6:44 pm
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