Kansas’s Republican Draconian Governor Sam
“I Fucked Up our Entire Economy” Brownback
is Gonna try the old “Bigot Boy Two Step” here
When republican’s lose on policy & they always
do; they then quickly try to pass ‘Bigoted Laws’
as fast as they can so nobody pays attention to
them. They pick something that’s already a law
then attach Open Ended Language around that
to Give All the Religious People Extra Rights to
discriminate against folks they hate. It’s called
the “Bigot Boy Two Step”. And Brownback has
just done it against LGBT folks in Kansas. Here
“This law is designed to shield churches, clergy,
religious leaders and religious groups refusing
to perform same-sex weddings or provide goods,
services or any local accommodations for them”
And now, the Two Step. Step one, Churches, &
Clergy, And All Religious Leaders Are ALREADY
protected for refusing to perform gay weddings
It’s called the 1st Amendment, maybe “Asshole”
should read that again, since he was sworn into
office promising to uphold it. So then, Step two
Slip in the “provide goods, services or any local
accommodations” part. THAT IS the bigotry bit
right there & those evil fuckers all know it. This
will never become law before the Take Out That
2nd part allowing for Discrimination, since it is
unconstitutional. Then they’re only left with the
1st one which is already a BIG law. These guys
are such fucking ‘LOOOOOOOOOOOSERS’. They
really are. They lost they will always lose & they
will always try to do hateful evil shit. Voters you
deserve this evil shit, when you vote Republican
NOTE: “Photo-Shit”. In the “How Low Can They
Go?” Hole, It Seems He Posted A PhotoShopped
Pic Of Hilary Clinton With The Confederate Flag
His New Name? Dinesh D’Looooooooooooooser
NOTE II: Trumps Rump Kicked By “The Zucker”
Have a day!
November 21st, 2023 - 9:38 pm
sleeping music