Wow, did you lose weight?!?! No? Oh, then my Lasik’s surgery was
a total fucking botch. At least now my skewed insane vision is just
(Knew it, they’re just shitfaced)
closer to the current Republican party in congress. Now the GOP’s
eating their own. 2 Tea Party Turd Republican’s were booted from
the budget committee, because two less Norquist dolts, means deal
Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, and Michigan’s Justin Amash were just
“kicked off” the committee. What the hell? Now all of the Congress
(Upper cut’s coming)
budgeting committee’s are “Survivor Style” now? No matter how it
comes down, the only Tea Party faction still left has no power, and
are becoming fewer by the day. The hate reign of Grover’s over, it’s
done, toast, finito, so long, curtains, cheerio, & sayonara fuck face
But does that stop bigot douchebags like Jim DeMint from trying?
Nope. And the great news is the intelligent folks of South Carolina
(“I’m a total bag of dicks”)
will send him & all the hating Tea Turd whackjobs still left packing
“Fuck minorities, poor, middle class, unions, & 97%” is not policy
It’s the American Taliban in governance, & their bad actions’ll end
the party faster then the 2014 elections ever could. If Republican’s
let the tax cuts expire for all. They’ll have basically pissed off 97%
of voters. That…will…cost you in the long run. And end your party
Hey FOX, No More Dick Morris Or Rove To Push Around
FOX doesn’t like Dick Morris or his insane predictions anymore, or
even Karl Rove either. But they’ll come back later for other elections
(“I suck toes baby”)
It is mostly because they think “it will hurt the brand”. Clearly FOX
does not know their own brand. Their audience is older white male
suburban guys who don’t like any heavy lifting or thinking about all
the real economic & societal problems today. All we want, is stupid
hot girls to tell us that minorities, atheists, gays, teachers, the poor
& “liberals” are to blame for everything bad in the history of forever
(2 more & it’s good porn)
No, that’s not the case. Find the big rectangular thing with reflective
glass. It’s called a mirror. Find one, & use it. It might just save your
life one day, and wake you up from your FOX insane lies nightmare
As long as FOX’s lying & acting as a fully functional arm of the GOP
it’ll be irrelevant insane drivel. For all the faults with CNN, and even
MSNBC, at least they’re not directly shilling the DNC. They may even
(reality sucks)
like Obama, but won’t just blindly make shit up to suit their personal
political views. That’d be disgusting, fucked up, & sad. That’d be FOX
Have a day!