Republican’s didn’t learn a fucking thing from the election results
One day. ONE! They said “Hey I was wrong, fucked up”, but now
it’s “Obama stole the election with voter fraud”, & “Odumer lied on
Benghazi damnit! We have no proof, but Hannity has got hunches”
(Fox News)
Not…one…single…thing. I typed it so clearly before. They could try
to come to the moderate middle, or tack harder right into darkness
And there they tack, harder, farther, into the hateful darkness. The
bottom line: there is more $ in right wing hate lies. The $’s just too
damn good. Rush won’t stop, FOX can’t, & racists lap it up. And so
they’ll all keep hating, lying, miss-informing, & living in a alternate
world. OK, then plan on losing every big election in modern history
Our demographics all shifted, this election shows death for the GOP
But here they yell, louder, sillier, & with more hate than usual. Jeez
Dick Morris, Sean Hannity, O’Reilly, Rushbo & all of FOX are openly
telling every still registered Republican(How many are left again?)
they all choose $, over telling you the hard truth. This will cause you
great pain over the next 35 years. They don’t fucking care. You are a
sucker, a chump, a mark, a rube, a dolt, a pigeon, a swindle, a wank
Once you stop watching the hate, they must now offer quality stuff
Allen West Lost, But He Won’t Stop
You know the old song & dance by now. Allen West lost the election
but he wants another recount, even though they already gave him 1
(What a fuckhole)
when they didn’t have to. It must be within a .5% points of votes to
start an automatic recount in Florida. Murphy’s lead is .610% & has
a sizable vote tally lead of 1,907. But will West concede? Oh hells no
Batshitcrazy, will always be batshitcrazy. They’re killing their party
Now, I’m all for counting every vote. Fair elections are awesome. It
isn’t about “fair”, this is about dragging this out as long as possible
(I’m a nut)
because rock head didn’t like the results. Do not let the door hit ya
where the good lord split ya. The Nuts have all been rejected badly
And he’s the final hold out. Think Norm Coleman just more dickish
Texas Wants To Secede…AGAIN
Less yapping, more stepping. You don’t like it here? See if Mexico’ll
take your sorry ass. My guess is they all shout “No!!!”. Not everyone
from Texas is crazy. The folks of Texas are good, decent, big hearted
people. It’s always the whacko’s who attract the most attention. And
in this case, it’s all the crazyassed backwards redneck racists in there
Sadly there are way more racists out there. The only way for them to
understand what fucked up insane hate they have, is to show all the
world who they are when they decide to be racist. Exposing it is the
(No shit)
best way to handle it. Then society will give them the scorn they so
badly deserve. It will drive em all into hiding in shame. And please,
take the bigoted dunderfucks in Texas who want to Secede with ya
Have a day!
November 2nd, 2023 - 4:08 pm
relaxing piano music