The name of the HBO political movie was called Game Change

It was the McCain campaign during their 2008 Presidential bid

(You Betcha!)

We played a “buzzwords” drinking game to it. Drunk in 7 minutes

It’s a lot about campaign manager Steve Schmidt & Nicole Wallace

Palin’s PAC already called it “Hollywood lies” & “false narrative” w/o

(Nope, never happened ever)

Even viewing it. McCain won’t either, but they still got opinions on it

Cool, can you two please start reviewing movies you don’t see but

Just write reviews with “Scooby Doo” hunches from watching the


trailer? Awesome, it’ll be so damn grand. This is the final post ever

I’ll make about Sarah Palin. Unless she becomes a rapper, drunk, or

Appears in Playboy when it becomes a big 3-D hologram magazine

(Love the GP Kids)

The reason? She turned 15 minutes of shame into 5 years. 5 fucking

Long, odd, irrational, funny, painful, creepy, hateful, silly, sad years

If you ever explained how she was factually wrong about specific things

She’d quickly respond, “That’s because you’re an evil black
Freedom hating terrorist rapist alien who should die. Just
Another tool of liberal elite media trying ta play gotcha games”

She shredded facts & history like a coked up dog does a newspaper


Stupid always doubles down. But with her, she has never stopped

History, facts, & reality itself are all “liberal bias gotcha games”. Sad

She’s a footnote cautionary tale in American politics for those doing

A calculated pick based on optics, with 0 substance, & petty big hate

(Palin adviser Nicole Wallace)

The irony here: the movie actually took a lot of pity on her. It made

You actually feel sorry for her at moments, & greatly humanized her

Seeing she was a good mom but intellectually way in over her head

(Uh oh)

Give her two more sentences & she’ll ruin any compassion you have

All by herself. Lies, hate, division, & ignorance is 1 disgusting cocktail

Hey Afghanistan Military, What The Fuck?

1st we got these jackholes burning the Koran, & now comes this news?

16 Afghan civilians died over the weekend in what is called a massacre

(Obvious terrorist)

What’s going on, are you guys watching Platoon too much? Or maybe

Smoking way too much Opium & you can’t tell what’s going on there?

Let’s lock this up together, stay focused cause spring is coming & let’s

End this war the right way. Beside my brother is working his ass off

With & for all of you. Let’s get each others back, so we can head back

Have a day!

2 Responses to “Palin’s “Blame Change”…”

  1. joyful november jazz

    joyful november jazz

  2. casibom

    Thank you for great article. Hello Administ .

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