“Get Your Own Fu#king Ride”

January 30th, 2012

Politicians depend on the press that covers them for PR life

(Suck it press)

Well, that’s the “old socialist liberal elite media” model before

Now Newt & Republican’s have one thing left to say to them

“Get your own ride you freeloaders”. The implosion continues

(Royal Crown “R.C” Hammond)

The press had to pay $2,000 each flying to cover Man-Whore

They all talked about it, & couldn’t afford it. They figured this:

If they rent a $55 car, they can make it the event next morning

(Hum, saving $)

That pissed off Newts campaign, so they said no reporters can

Travel with him/fly on Monday. Nor to the next stop of Nevada

When pressed about it campaign PR guy R.C Hammond said:

“I don’t have to give you a reason”. Then cocked punched them


Here’s how the current GOP either candidates or those left in

Their shrinking party react if any facts are presented to them:

-Liar! It’s the liberal media who made that fact up, you suck!
-Well clearly whoever found this out is an “Obama Commie”
-So what fuck off, what are you gonna do about it? Let’s fight!
-How dare you ask me this fact, it’s politically damning!

They never address facts or reality, because as you’re seeing it

(All Archie Bunkers)

Play out, they don’t have them. They only appease the top 3%

While all the low information voters have to support insane lies

They pretend that their “reality” is good for the entire country

(But needed)

No, it’s not. And everyone with a working brain can see it clearly

They dug this hole, & gotta sit in it as it fills with their own urine

Even God Has A Super PAC?

Yep, you can book it like male hooker for blowing a cabbie

Newt & Calista attended the Idlewild Baptist Church in FLA


It’s a mega church flashing their faces on two big jumbotrons

The sermon’s moral was “Let he without sin cast the 1st wife”

Heard they legally changed their names to Mr. & Mrs. Swingrich

(It’s Fatman & The Joker)

Sure Newt’s a lying man-whore, it’s not shocking. But when any

Church becomes a PAC for Republican candidates during the

mass or celebration? They’re currently enjoying tax free status

(It’s true)

Welp, guess what? Not anymore *BOD’s, time to pay up bitches!

If you want to be in politics instead of religion, you’ll pay taxes

The “shame train” just left with Newt, Mitt, & Rick all on board

*Bag Of Dicks

Have a day!

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