I’m Back Baby!

December 27th, 2011

Did you miss me?!?! Well sure you did! Hello?

Anyone there? Anybody?!?! *Awkward silence*

(Even computers know)

Oooooooooookay. Moving on to 2012 suckers…

Fun new observations while down in Florida:

-Airport friends, it’s called a “moving WALK way”

(“Walk way” is the key)

Not a “standing” one. It’s in the title of the object

-I think older people should be in much more a hurry

I mean, tick tock, you only got so much time left

(“Get us off his fucking lap!”)

-The true meaning of Christmas is quality presents

If they say “Love, & family” they got you shitty gifts

Why Do People Have To Be Such Assclowns?!?!

Cause water is wet, birds fly, & plants need the sun

Republican congressman Jim Sensenbrenner from

(His voting base)

Wisconsin said loudly on an airport phone, that

Michelle Obama “lectures us on eating right while

(“I’d tap that ass & I have“)

she has a large posterior herself”. He then told church

members at a different event that: “Her project is obesity

(Jim’s voters)

And look at her big butt”. Awwwwwwwwww jeez buddy

Well sure, OK, we gain lbs over the holidays sometimes

(Me as a child)

Surely he’s in such fit shape to point that out about her

So then what does Mr. Jim Sensenbrenner look like?

(“Sorry, I ate Mr. Coble”)

Ohhhhhhhh, so she’s going after obesity, & fatty Mc350

Doesn’t like that one bit. Well tough shit Bloated Bob

He’s saying, “Don’t take my fatty fat abilities away bitch!”

(Aw just let kids drink!)

He would like to say, “I hate her because she’s black &

Telling me, a fatty white guy, what to do with my kid”

But that’s not as easy to say now, is it Jimmy Jowls?

(Front load it all Jim)

He went on to apologize, but only because he got caught

Best Football Slam Ever

Speaking of Wisconsin, this sign was awwwwesome…


Which goes to show you, never invite the scorn of a

Smart women. They’ll not only shut down the crotch

garage forever, forcing you to park your “car” on the


Street; they’ll screw you outta season tickets forever

It’s great to be back, stretch the legs, & run free again

Have a day!

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