Occupy Weed Street

October 24th, 2011

They didn’t like the term “wall”. It’s too negative & restrictive

I kid, I joke, we laugh, it’s fun…wait a second, you smell that?

(You don’t say?)

SQUIRREL! It’s a joke my best half & I have whenever out in public

And we smell a face full of weed. We look at each other & say


“Squirrel!”. It’s code so we don’t have to explain it to our niece

She just thinks we actually saw a squirrel or quoting Pixar’s UP

Either way, like Colt 45, “it works every time”

(Everytime? I like my odds)

I support OWS. They’re sick of only having policy for the top 3%

In Chicago it’s growing. They’re in grant park & it’s making noise

That is, until softball season. Those dirty hippies best be gone by then

While the faint aroma of ass, & the sound of bongo’s still hang in the air

It’s A “Pepper Spray Rally

At a high school in Utah, cops maced students doing a Haka dance

The cops reason? Um, that’s the odd part. No one really knows

(Oh jeeeeeez)

Witness Shawn Mitchell “didn’t see anything that looked like a threat”

After they started the dance, cops could be heard saying “Make a hole”

But the cops only reacted or spoke when the dancing chant began

Right then you can see in the clip, they both let loose with spray

(“I’m Mr. Face Mace”)

You can even heard one kid say clearly, “I’m gonna sue you guys!”

The pepper spray spread far beyond the people doing the dance

Reaching players & fans causing them to run away with watering eyes

Maybe Tony Bologna was there from his OWS peppering days

Here’s the deal-e-o and my two cents on this whole thing

(It’s true)

Kids will be kids, but don’t be douche holes blocking an exit

But on the other hand coaches, players & family were heard saying

“It’s OK, it’s OK, go ahead and let them do it(the tribal dance)”

I guess it’s like the stupid cops version of Footloose

When in doubt, don’t spray or neuter the people you’ve meet

Have a day!

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