To all Those, Who Didn’t vote for Harris & Walz, welcome to the “Find Out” part
‘Palestinian Voters’ In the Midwest, I’m looking in Your Direction as Well, as All white rural woman, Latino’s , minorities & more. Orange Hitler Wants to occupy the Gaza Strip , ‘Boot’ Palestinians from their land & “develop it”. We warned all
of U Assholes. Media Included, Did you listen?! Nope, now comes The limitless Pain. And while The felon Is setting the world on Fire, his treason troupe wants to put all their “puppets” into the seats of Power to cause the most Damage &
ALL the R’s are Willingly Helping Them Hero’s must Rise or else we will All fall! NOTE: FBI Agents & Employees Are Brining Class Actions Suits Against Maga’s DOJ illegal firings. This will end badly for Orange Felon/Maga but that’s not the point. They just want to cause Harm/chaos/pain Trying To Erode Justice. Nope! Have A Day!
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Legal Problems Lurk again for Maga, Musk & The ‘Obese Orange Monster’
There IS, NO “Republican Party”, Any more; Musk was illegally given access to the Treasury Department payment systems(OUR Tax payment systems!) It’s Not Only Wildly Illegal , it’s A Data Breach. This, is just The ‘Beginning’ of
illegal lunacy. All this while the Senate committees let known Criminal Whack jobs out for a Vote: Tulsi , RFK & Bondi Patel is still In Dire Straights as ALL of Them Should Be. They’re Not, Even all qualified to Run a Day care let Alone a
Complex Department they Literally All know nothing about. They are traitors! NOTE: Maga gutting USAID is just another step to Destabilize our Nation, the world, justice & Accountably. These are VERY Dark Fucking Days here Have A Day!
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Orange Anus Tariff stunt Designed To
hurt the economy, cause pain and be
a Distraction Aren’t working. In fact itbackfired so badly , like everything he does; He ‘Backed Off’ of Mexico For a month. He Backed Down. Like All shit that Bullies Do, when It Really Comes to it; they don’t want A Fight. They all
just Want To Abuse, Hurt, cause Pain & Win. Welp, They all got a BIG Fight Coming They Can’t Win. And, he also just Backed of Canada meaning Only China’s left. It’s what bullies do when Confronted with a Serious fight. They
back down cause they Can lose badly This, is Just The Beginning of His End NOTE: Mitch “Evil Turtle” McConnell had some serious Words Against The Orange Anus Menace Like Calling him “Nasty” & “A sleaze-ball”. He Hates Jan 6th And he hates that maga/Trump pardoned them. And he voted against Hegseth. Times up Have A Day!
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There are 3 nominees to the Orange Revenge Tour that are not only VERY
unqualified Lyin frauds & Dangerous in America history…..they’re also big Traitors. ALL Of Them . Ka$h Patel & Tulsi verbally blow Putin/Q/Bullshitty hate Lies selling Out America. While, RFK is not just clinically insane, he’s A lyin’ MORON Devoid of all Medical
Facts. He Spews So many Racist lies & has no clue about medical Science He’s “unfit” to run a fucking Wendy’s NOTE: Trump Tariffs will Destroy voters Lives , business’s, the Economy, make Inflation/Cost of Living Rapidly Rise & More. To ALL the dumbfuck voters who asked for this hell. Enjoy your pain. Stupid is as stupid does Have A Weekend!
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A horrific mid-air crash between a Helicopter & an Airplane just went
down Last Night in DC . Our hearts go out to The 67 Souls who Really needlessly lost their lives. Horrible Forget “It” Tried to Baselessly Say it was “Obamas/Bidens/DEI’s fault” Forget Orange Anus Ran up a large ‘Distraction Puppet show’ of 4 men
who all know NOTHING about what even Happened nor have a clue the things that Transpired. NO, it’s your fault asshole. YOU signed an EO on Jan 22nd froze hiring new people in TSA, Coast Guard & dismantled Theaviation safety committee . Ahem he
directly caused This Needless Pain & is Pure Evil in trying to Blame others NOTE: Kash “Crash & Burn” Patel Is SO ‘Unqualified’ To Be FBI Director, You might was well put Putin/KKK in the Fucking Roll. The grilling was bipartisan in Nature & showed he’s Q lying Hate Moron. What Fucking Planet Is this?!?! Have A Day!
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Now we Are In the portion of Fascism parade where Orange Felon/his maga
Brown Shirt assholes “Hegseth” Tried to attack Gen Mark Milley For speakin out against all his crimes. And now its Clear Maga World is ‘Turning’ on Them All Over ‘Gutting’ SNAP/Medicaid , And more Programs That Directly effect all
of Them. They “Found Out”!! Oh, and Speaking of that, RFK’s Hearing went about as Well as you’d Think it Would For A Lying, Insane Lunatic Detached From Reality . D’s & Even Some R’s all HAD Receipts; he Lies as He Breathes
This ‘Trumpster Fire Shit Show’, Is Not even two fucking weeks old. Ha ha ha! NOTE: Maga/orange felon, in a Trump +21 special election district In Iowa Senate Seat; Just Got beaten badly by Democrats . OOOOOH SHIT! People and all the “voting populous” are ‘Pissed’ & they All Really HATE Him/Maga Have A Day!
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Well well, we have another Orange Man lying ‘Minion’ Named Karoline
Leavitt. As in, The Truth?! Leave IT Out?! Facts, Ohhhh leave them too Her Shit Bag of a press conference went off the rails so fast, you’d say the train Jumped the tracks. And it
got worse from there if that’s even Possible. In Other News, You Have Latino’s Who Voted For ‘Nazi Prick’ Who have Loved one’s/Wives Who have now been Deported . Uhhhhh
FIND out you have, fuck around ya did. Enjoy your Own Demise idiots! NOTE: Jim he’s gonna ‘Acosta Ya’ Your Jobs just got moved at CNN for the dear leader. This Will Go VERY VERY Bad for CNN. They’re Officially just 4th Reich Headquarters at This Point. It’s Disgusting appeasement Have A Day!
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Neve before in the history of Nation has a DOD Nominee ever had to Be
Confirmed W/a Senate Tie Breaking vote . Never. It just happen on Fri & now the DOD must brace to defend the Constitution from it’s “Chief”. A very disgusting turn of events . And, When You Lost Mitch “Flamethrower
It All” McConnell, ya So shit the bed so hard there is no recovery…….ever It Seems, Maga is now in Their “Find Out” stage not realizin’ Orange Felon will burn their shit lives down as well That’s what Happens when You Play
with racist fascist Nazi’s They always eventually come for YOU idiot. SMFH NOTE: illegally Pardoned Jan 6th Violent criminal shot to death in IN Traffic Stop where He Was Heavily Armed, Resisted & fought with a LEO. More of this Lunacy will happen each day. He made them above the law. That hurt our justice system Have A Day!
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The sheer Fascist racist Damage “Orange Felon” is trying to enact
is history. And is historically back Firing. He Wants to Partisan Hack Overhaul or Get rid of FEMA , Not graspin’ that RED STATES need it the most. What a massive bucket
of human scum. Pretty soon, he’ll just keep tryin to burn it all down & “burn himself” alive by accident NOTE: Fuckstick Decides to Pull The US out of The Paris Climate Agreement and the WHO. Which is A literal WASTE of time In 4 years when a Dem Steps in they put us RIGHT back. These immoral Hate Fucks got no Clue How the world Works Have A Day!
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The Orange Felon ‘Attempted’ a First Interview of His New Term & it Went
about as well As you’d Expect Trying to talk with a lyin racist traitor lunatic child to go. OFF the rails Fast. He not only couldn’t Answer Questions at all ; Hannity (His ‘pal’) Couldn’t Control Or
Stop All his Lies/Hate . This isn’t even Trump from 3+ months ago; he’s way WORSE. He’s not gonna make his full term. No way. And, IF Hegseth gets A DOD Confirmation the military is Very
screwed . Can’t unring a bell. If 2 more R’s “Defect”, he’s Done. Your move R’s! NOTE: Trumps illegal Stunt to deny Birthright Citizenship will be Destroyed by judges, courts & the Constitution. He’s legally fucked on all his hate/lies Have A Day!
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