As Fat Felon/Maga slips Into The Deep

dark Cold Abyss of irrelevance, he has

(We know!)

now Become a Weak, Slow, Unhinged

shell of his “Former” Self. So much so

He/The Campaign Is Cancelling All Of

his events/Rallies/interviews because

he is Simply Failing Badly at them All

They’re claiming it’s outta Exhaustion

Fact is, He’s Short Circuiting Spewing

(Not buying it)

 incoherent Babblin’ that’s turning off

Voters. He’s hemorrhaging voters bad

And Harris/Walz, Are Getting Stronger

W/Voters Offering Joy/Popular Policies

RIP: Liam From One Direction has died. He struggled with depression
drug/alcohol abuse fallin from a 3rd floor balcony. It is heartbreaking
NOTE: Judge Chutkan, Just Unsealed & Released 1,900 ‘Pages’ Of Fat
Felon’s Jan 6th Crimes to the public. Ohhhh boy it this gonna ruin him
And dumbass just Attacked her calling her “the most evil person”. HA!

Have A Weekend!

The fat failed felon fraud tried to

“Pretend” To Do a “Townhall” On

(ALL Frauds!)

FOX & it turned out to be a Scam

Not only Where Most If Not all Of

the women they selected/are just

maga election chairs(1st question

was from Maga Lady Lisa Cauley)

They Were all His Supporters who

Already Claimed They VOTED For

him(FOX Edited That out) WTF?!?

(We know!)

And, In ‘His’ “Univision: Town Hall”

‘Stuff’, Went WILDLY Different. He

tried to Call Jan 6th “a day of love”

Panning across a visibly angry and

“shocked crowd” surely didn’t help

And, Kamala Harris, ‘Walked’ right

Into the Propaganda Lion’s Den In

FOX Noise & Demolished little Bret

(Truth FOX told)

Baier who tried to lie/talk over/Cut

her off. It backfired she owned him

NOTE: Kamala Harris’s FOX Interview Drew WAY More Viewers than BOTH
of Orange Felon’s FOX Townhall scam shows combined. Ooooof, that hurts

Have A Day!

Collin Allred just decimated Ted

“Cancun” Cruz last Night In the

(Busted him up!)

Debate. OMG! He Took Him, To

woodshed saying: “You’re a big

‘Threat’ To ‘Democracy'” & “You

don’t Serve Us & are Not There

when we need you” Citing That

Cruz just doin’ “angertainment”

On Podcast’s. HA!!! Truth Hurts

(Selfish Prick!)

& Cruz Is In Serious Trouble in

Every Way Possible. Voters are

sick of Electing a “Cruz” who is

Self Serving & Does NOTHING

but Hurt/Abuse voters. So let’s

Face it, Voting Math isn’t going

Maga’s Way. In Fact, All Of the

(Let’s GO!)

Early Voting indicates they are

all in DEEP Trouble. Tick Tock!

NOTE: Harris Goes On FOX & When Bret Baier Tried To Claim Trump
never called many American’s the “enemy within” She Stomped Him

Have A Day!

While The Orange Traitor “Deteriorates”

on a daily basis, today was no different


in Chicago where he Babbled gibberish

Non-stop in an Awful Meltdown That is

Reminiscent of The BJC “Face Planting”

he did back in july; this was way worse

He didn’t answer a single question and

he Tried to Ignore Math, Doesn’t Know

What Tariffs Are/Do & Finally Attacked

(He’s undone!)

The Moderator/WSJ with Baseless lies

The criminal felon isn’t Gonna make it

to Election Day At This Rate. He’ll just

Wait At Mara-Lardo Until His ‘Big Loss’

And Now With “Early Voting” Breaking

Hard to the Democrats, Florida is now

In Play. Seriously leave nothing left on

(They VOTE!)

the field. Knock on more door, turn up

& Out The vote so much it’s a blowout!

NOTE: Georgia Judge issues final ruling against Maga traitors trying To hold
up them Delaying certification. Now, if they do try to delay, they will face jail

Have A Day!

The fat orange felon is imploding

at such A Massive Rate, he Might

(Flop & Drop!)

Just Slow/End His ‘Campaigning’

Well before Election Day. He was

in Detroit, ‘Mocking’ Detroit And

Babbling Gibberish. There is Fail,

Dementia, & Now What Ever The

Hell this Is. He’s Decomposing in

(Bye Bye!)

real time & Is all earned. Howard

Stern “Interviewed” Harris, & Fat

Orange Felon lost this stupid Shit

Couldn’t Even put Two Sentences

Together. Their Entire: ‘Maga Shit

Show’ Is Immolating. Kari Lake is

(Down she goes!)

SUNK After Hideous Debate Flop

She’s A traitor fraud who’s losing!

NOTE: Florida Independents favor Harris by a LOT & It’s Not
even close. This Clearly Puts Florida In play for D’s. Let’s GO!

Have A Day!

Adam Schiff didn’t just debate

Maga Toilet paper on our shoe

(Maga Boy!)

Steve Garvey; He Mopped The

floor With Him. Look For a Big

wooden Handle up his Ass the

Next Time you see him. ZING!

And so Garvey “froze up silent”

(Garvey Effect!)

for 10 seconds. Oooooooooops

Voters/the massive majority of

the public doesn’t want the lies

Hate & Division Of Orange Man

anymore. We’re all Fed up with


him/it. And, he knows he’s just

Gonna lose This Election Badly!

NOTE: Democratic stalwart Elissa Slotkin had a Fiery Debate last
night with Maga Goon Mike Rodgers. She broke him apart on the
issues from Abortion rights, to the Boarder to Rodgers taking our
‘Social Security’. She’s 5+ Points Ahead & GROWING By The Day

Have A Day!

Not For Long Florida Governor

Ronny “Douch stain” DeSantis


decided to Play insane Partisan

Games With Hurricane Victims

Lives. It’s Gonna End Him, and

Blow Up in his face w/voters In

ALL Areas of The Great state of

Florida. VP Harris Called Them

To ‘Make sure’ they had Exactly

(Bye bye!)

what they needed. They did not

“answer” or “Pick up” Citing “It

Seemed Political, so we did Not

answer”. JFC it’s Disaster Relief

Vote All Maga Out! And As Fatty

Felon circles The Drain, you Can

BET he’ll get more Desperate in


Every Way; Will Only Hurts Him

There’s no escape from Nov 5th!

NOTE: Orange Anus & Putin have Been Talking & Working Together
since he left office. Well so NO SHIT! And water is wet. We so knew

Have A Day!

The economy is soaring to new

heights with A “Booming” Jobs

(Wrong Jobs)

report today. Biden/Harris are

doing “everything” We Elected

them to do & more. And, while

Harris/Walz Are ‘Surging’ Hard

the R’s/maga are all crumbling

into Irrelevance on one hand &

(We all know!)

‘Criminal Treason’ On Another

FO & FO If They “Try to Enact”

their Criminal Treason. Ooops

NOTE: Biden shows up in the Press Briefing Room & knocks it outta
the park explaining the problems with Maga using “Fake”. Ha ha ha!

Have A Weekend!

There’s no Legal Escape from the

charges/legal facts that were just

(You’re done son!)

released yesterday. The unsealed

Charges clearly Show this Crimes

were “Way” Outside The Scope of

his office. In fact, all His Nonstop

Crimes/Treason Were ‘Very Well’

Documented. A Campaign staffer

Said “Make them Riot!”(the jerks

at polling Places Counting Votes)

JFC! And, Finally, ‘Orange Traitor’


intentionally changed his Jan 6th

speech to “target Pence” as if he

had He Authority to Overturn the

The Election. He Did NOT. And it

got worse when He intentionally

inflamed The Crowd to march on

the capitol. Anyone still with him

now, is Not Just Supporting a fat

Traitor Felon; They are Now likely

(Bye bye!)

ready to commit more illegal acts

FO & FO ya Moron Goons. Bye!!!!!

NOTE: Maga Criminal Traitor Tina Peters Was just sentenced today to
9 Years In Prison For Her “Election Crimes” in CO. And While She Just
whined & toldoff the court the judge wasn’t havin’ it. He said, “You’re
as defiant a defendant as this court has ever Seen” & “You are just as
privileged as they come” also for Not Admitting it or having “Remorse”

Have A Day!

VD Pants had a “collapse” moment

last night when he ‘ignored’ a Walz


question About Who won the 2020

Election. He Still Loves The big Lie

and It Pushed most all Voters away

ALL Candidates Who ‘Peddled’ That

‘Big Lie’ Have not Only LOST Every

Election they’ve ‘Ran’ in, They Also

(Losers Losing!)

are In Dire legal/financial Jeopardy

And Swing State Voters Are DONE

with em. At the House Street level

it is crystal clear: they Hate Maga,

Project 2025 & Fat Felon. His/their

‘End’ is Near. When FOX tells Maga

(Booo Indeed!)

Vance lost so Badly 58% yo 42% it’s

all over But the Cryin, Tears will flow

RIP: This is a sad one today that goes out to TWO legends in Kris Kristofferson
& James Amos. Two absolutely amazing Talents and even better human Beings
James was the real Deal & so was Kris. They Represent The Best of this nation
NOTE: Lauren Boebert Was Destroyed on Public Radio For Lying About The IRA
(Inflation Reduction Act). And She Stated ‘inflation’ was still Up When it’s down

Have A Day!

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