It seems our Former Clueless star, who seems

to not know how to Point Out KKK Nazi White


supremacists are “Ok” cause she is not here to

“judge”, is Dropping out of her house race. Oh

wow, no Way (Fakes Shocked look). She is the

poster Child Of No Grasp Of “Policies”, How we

can Achieve anything concrete & knows nothin’

about Government what-so-ever. You Know, a

Republican Today Following Trump. Ooooooops

Speaking of Trump, The Bar Could not Get any

lower than Rosanne Barr These Days. She only

did This Reboot For Cash. That Is What it looks


like right now. She Has Also Had A History of

serious Mental Illness. She said so On Oprah:

“I was in A very unhappy relationship & I was prescribed
numerous psychiatric drugs… deal with the fact that I
had some mental illness……………….I totally lost touch with
reality……………….(and) I didn’t know what the truth was…”

Seems as being An ACTUAL Trump Voter she

never got it back. She’s ‘nuttier’ than squirrel

Shit. This will crash & Burn as most all things

In her Life Have. She Is in bright blue Hawaii,

worth an Estimated $80 million and trying to

“play” a “Blue color middle class worker”. We

all know her acting Sucks Wind, this’ll just be

(Us Too)

no Different. Speaking Of “Unwatchable Shit”

It Seems Sinclair Broadcasting Is Attempting

to Create, A Monopoly On Local TV Networks

buying them all solely to “create propaganda”

For Trump. Ummmm, That’s Directly Against

the FCC’s Broadcast Rules For Ownership. It

will be fought Tooth and Nail Costing Sinclair

$Mega-millions and They will lose this suit so

badly. It’s clear in owning 72%+ of all the Tv

(Stand Up!)

local Stations is against their rules. Cut & dry

shit legally Speaking and so very crystal clear

NOTE: Mueller Is Charging The First Along With
MANY More Tomorrow. Should Be An “Exciting”
Day For Justice. Look Out Trumpy Oooooooops!

Have a day!

2 Responses to “Dash Done, Barr Lowered & FCC…”

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