Green Bay, Strike 4, & Libya LTS

September 13th, 2012

You’ve noticed it can get pretty childish here, so I’d like to raise the

bar a little bit. The Green Bay “jagbags” will be playing the Big Bears

(Or your penis)

Tonight, it’s the biggest thang in Chicago going on. Oh, that & a new

alt band “Nipple Tweek Fart Whistle” will be headlining at the Metro

It’s a big match up, & I’m not sure how we will look with a shortened

week in prime time under the lights. If the O I saw does show, it’s on

like pants in a whore house when the cops raid it. All I will say is this


If we win in Lambeau, I’ll take a cup to drink up all their cheesy tears

Now on to the teachers strike. I come from a union family. I’m a SAG

member. Well we just merged to SAG-AFTRA. But I’m also a writer so

I know how to remain objective. We should all strive to watch events

from both sides. Sometimes I agree with the workers, sometimes it’s

with management. I most often side with the group that’s being fair,

(See? Reasonable)

reasonable, & not exploiting the other. Often it’s the workers, but like

I said, remain open. Rham has fucked this up badly. He’s doing this

like some big time negotiation. The teachers don’t want to lose their

jobs with a rigged Standardized Testing system, & you want to hold

teachers accountable for productivity. Just figure out a system that

(Honk for us)

works for BOTH of you. CPS seems to have it right now offered this

That’s a great thing for all parties. The district softened its guidelines

on the evaluation system, making a generous concession to the union

Union leader Karen Lewis gladly recognized that seeing an end today

Kids could be back in school by Monday, meaning weed will finally


be sold to friends on Tuesday. Now on to the global problems today

Cairo is nuttier than a payday bar right now. Settle down folks, just

settle down. We understand the massive majority of Egyptians are

so amazing. This is simply an extremist element, a last gasp of hate

still around. My suggestion is don’t respect any of the conservative

religious extremist nutjobs who firebomb shit to solve problems. It

is time for extremists to listen. Purge your whacko’s or get no more

(Try it)

$ for shit. You must be able to do so through peaceful means. If not,

then lower the fucking hammer. You don’t play paddy cake with nuts

And Libya, & I am only speaking to the conservative extremists there

who are the gross minority; if you don’t honor the laws that are made

or what the rest of your nation has voted, you will be marginalized, &

left out of it. It’s no different than crazy people here. You go to jail or


get in a gun fight with cops & end up dead. You don’t go on to hold a

political office. You go to jail or the fucking the nut house. Got it???

We like you. We all do. Just like your country has extremist nutjobs

our does also. We call ours “The Tea Party” or the current GOP’ers

Yours are ALSO religious conservative extremists. They don’t call

all the shots. They simply don’t. Cooler heads on all sides’ll prevail

(See, drinking buddies)

We got a lot of work to do, but the only way is by doing it together

Tomorrow: Rushblow & Laura Ingraham threaten to end the party

Have a day!

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