Tom “Literary Test” Tancredo just endorsed “Frothy” today

(Ah yes, a boycott)

Tom is every Tea Turds darling. Bigoted, loud, & very stupid

What the F happened here? People you’d not even eat food with

(Bigot says what?)

Now are endorsing others. And then it is gladly accepted by em

Most people would say, “Um, no thanks. I’m a dick, but not that

(Tom’s racist employee)

Big of one”. Romney won FLA big as expected. He’ll keep winning

And Mr. Potato Head will stick around for hilarious comic relief

Democrat Win’s Wu Seat In Oregon

But in other news Wu won another under aged girls seat. Zingo

Democrat Suzanne Bonamici, a former state senator won the seat

(She wins)

Someone should of asked her if she plans on having sex with any

Under-aged boys of close friends who are donors. Maybe she’d say:

“Don’t know. But if the mood’s right, I will totally think about it…

(It’s grrrrrrrrreat)

But there’s no fucking way that I’m wearing that tiger costume”

Have a day!

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