A coked up trust fun club kid named “Bizzy B”?

How many times can your “mean stuttering debutante” come out?

(They don’t?)

This has to be a new insane record debates number of some sorts

*Looks through a stack of papers at the facts*

Oh, I’m totally wrong. The 2007-08 Democratic one’s they had 26 total

(Clap it out bitches)

Where as Republicans are currently on the docket for only 22 total

But why does it seem like they’ve been doing a shit load more of them?

Ah, maybe it’s because you guys scheduled five in seven weeks

(No shit?!?!?)

But it’s the “liberal media’s fault”…you scheduled these…& they covered it

The last debate is march 19th, 2012 hosted by the Oregon Republican Party

All I could think was “Holy shit, Oregon has a Republican Party?”

(My foot up your ass John)

Then I thought “Who will be the totally new 9 Republican’s by then?”

Funny: Hermain Cain singing about Pizza to John Lenon’s “Imagine”

The Apple 4S Can Travel Though Time

No, for true. We just got it and traveled back to 1774

(Time Machine mode rocks)

Turns out none of them wore powdered wigs. It was all a stunt

We overheard Jefferson while high saying, “Ok, but now get this…

All the stupid people reading about what we did here in the future

Will only think we wore wigs, if the painter paints them on us.

(Check out my bedhead)

Madison stop giving me the dickish judgment look. It”ll be hilarious!”

We’re going to 1955 next, where men can totally treat women as objects

And we can berate those different form me & then eat an asbestos sandwich

Thanks Apple, good times….gooooooooooooooooood times

Have a day!

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