Oh boy this is Ugly. It was just some

Unprepared Republicans letting That

(<-Bullshit Mountain)

little ‘Keebler Evil Elf’ Endlessly Spew

Filibuster BS While Saying nothing at

all. His goal, just lie big in all opening

remarks. Most Republicans “Coddled”

Him Massively. The Only 2 Tough D’s

Were Heinrich & King. They Basically

Told Sessions, Either : A) Answer The

question, B) You Will answer them in

closed sessions or C) The POTUS and

Myself, Asserting ‘Executive Privilege’

(<-“I didn’t”)

He Cited a Non-existent Legal Power

and babbled it out. This is a lying shit

show Circus that is Boarding on Nuts

Republican Lankford Then Called Out

said Democrats for correctly asking a

sitting AG who clearly didn’t “Recuse”

himself to answer these big questions

It Was, Insane Lunacy That All These

Republicans Started Leading Sessions

And Actually Defending Him At Every

(No Shit!)

turn. It was pretty disgusting shit that

they did this. Their fucking job was to

ask about Comey, Trump, Russia and

his failure in Recusal. He simply used

the old “I Don’t Recall” but then he so

loved to Filibuster saying nothing and

Bullshitting. Only ‘1’ Valid Republican

was Manchin. Everyone Else Was just

openly falating Sessions Which is Just

(We Remember)

Very Fucked Up. This, Is Unacceptable

(D-Ron Wyden also did a great job too)

NOTE : The Insane ‘Yes Man’ Meeting For
Trump Is So Creepy Disgusting & Batshity

Have a day!

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