Fart Friday…

February 20th, 2015

Today is all about “Fart Friday”. There are

bus-fart-voice-funny(The Ass Voice)

so many different styles, kinds, and classes

of that blast from your ass. Here are a Few:

-The Turd Rumbler(A thick berrap)
-The Squirrel Squeaker(Tiny squeek)
-The Bazooka Butt Burp(Loud boom)
-The Juicy Shit Shacker(Classic wet 1)
-The Anus Annihilator(Hard quick force)
-The Mud Flap Muffer(A soft murmur)
-The Bank Shot(Lift a cheek to echo it)

So start naming some of your today & share

Have a weekend!

One Response to “Fart Friday…”

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